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Amrit Vela Routine
Getting into a routine for Amrit Vela can be very challenging and is regarded as one of the more difficult things to do in Sikhi. Here are some tips and guidance on good habits to get into to help you.

52 Instructions to the Gursikhs
These are the 52 hukams or edicts issued by Guru Gobind Singh in 1708 at Nanded before Guru Sahib merged with God. These edicts give instruction on appropriate behaviour were written down by Baba Raam Singh Koer whose great grandfather was Baba Buddha. These edicts sum up the ideal way of life of the Khalsa and serve as a code of conduct for the Khalsa Panth.
Guru Gobind Singh affixed his personal seal to the document, a copy of which can be seen at historic Gurdwara Paonta Sahib in Himachal Pradesh, about 44 kilometres from Dehradun.

Lifestyle of a Gursikh
This infographic outlines the lifestyle of a Gursikh and what they do daily. The download contains more information about a Gursikh Lifestyle that can be printed as a tri-fold leaflet.

Meeting Vaheguru
Bhai Gurdas Jee’s writings are commonly regarded as the key to understanding Gurbani. This infographic goes through the various aspects of how a Gursikh can meet Vaheguru. Bhai Sahib was an influential Sikh figure, writer, historian and preacher. He was the original scribe of the Guru Granth Sahib and later served as the first Jathedar of Akal Takht.

Sikhi Timeline
A timeline of the Sikh faith with lots of facts and other information including the principles of a Gurdwara, Five K’s and Sikh head coverings along with how Sikhs have fought for the freedom of themselves and others.

Sikhi Basics
An infographic for children to learn some of the basics about the Sikh faith. This is an ideal resource for primary schools to learn about the Sikh Faith.

10 Principles of Guru Nanak
Ten Principles of Guru Nanak Dev Jee. Guru Nanak brought simplicity to the world when the world was burning in hatred, tyranny, inequality and turmoil. Learn some of the basic principles that Guru Jee taught the world.

Guru Nanak’s Teachings
Asa Kee Vaar is a beautiful composition of Gurbani that is recited and sung by Sikhs all over the world on a daily basis. There are some real gems of knowledge in the Bani and this infographic tries to extract some of them for easy understanding.

Mystical Questions in Jap Jee Sahib
All Sikhs read Jap Jee Sahib every day as part of their five Nitnem Banis (morning prayers). In the first prayer, Guru Nanak Dev Jee asks some very profound questions that are very mystical. Some of them are answered straight away. Others are lifelong spiritual searches that the seeker endeavours to understand. Learn about them from this infographic.

Anand Karaj – A Healthy Marriage
This infographic runs through all of the areas of an Anand Karaj that make it healthy and also those that will make it dysfunctional or even abusive. This is a resource that can be used to evaluate your marriage and to ensure that things are on a steady, healthy path.

Anand Karaj
This infographic runs through all of the areas of an Anand Karaj. It describes what the 4 Lavan are and also the history and what constitutes an Anand Karaj. The right hand side also defines what to do and not to do for an Anand Karaj.

Anand Karaj – The Wedding Day
There are some issues with the way modern Sikh weddings happen. The mixture of culture with faith has caused some confusion in how a wedding day should be celebrated and attended. We try to highlight some of these issues here with a hope that the day of the Anand Karaj can be reverted back to how Guru Jee wanted it to take place. We know this is a sensitive topic in the community but are hopeful that we will start seeing more Anand Karaj days where we do not mix the culture into such a spiritual ceremony. This has started to happen more often in the UK now which is very positive.

The free food that is served in every Gurdwara is called Langar. This infographic shows the history and meaning of Langar and why it is important for Sikhs.

Mool Mantar for Kids
Explaining such a complex thing like Mool Mantar to children can be a challenge. This infographic breaks the meanings down so that young children can understand Vaheguru’s beautiful attributes.

Raising Confident Sikh Children
How do we raise balanced children and how do we model good behaviour? What are the important parts of Sikhi for a child to experience as they grow up? This infographic summarises those important parts of raising confident Sikh children.

Learn about Vaisakhi festival and why Sikhs celebrate it every year. Vaisakhi commemorates the inauguration of the Khalsa in the late 17th century and is commemorated by Sikhs around the world.

Vaisakhi For Kids
This infographic explains the importance of Vaisakhi for smaller children. The basics around the importance of the day are explained.

Hola Mohalla
An infographic for children that describes the importance of the Hola Mohalla celebrations that Sikhs partake in every year in Anandpur.

Supporting Bereavement
When someone close to us passes away we usually need support. This infographic outlines what grief looks like and gives guidance on what we can do to help someone who is feeling grief.

Sikhi During the Day
Sikhi is not limited to Amrit Vela and evening. So here are some things that you can do during the day to keep your Sikhi strong and in focus.

Gurbani Raags and Writers
This Infographic is a fascinating visual representation of the Writers and the Raags in Guru Granth Sahib Jee. It is a great resource for teaching about the structure of Gurbani, which Gurus, Bhagats, Poets and Sikhs wrote in which Raag and also for learning more about which Raags and variations Guru Arjan Dev Jee placed the Shabads under.

Farmer Protests
In 2020-2021, the farmers in India reached a stalemate with the government over its proposed amendments to laws the farmers felt would ravage their livelihoods and create an opportunity for large, private companies to enter and exploit the entire agriculture sector. This infographic explains the situation and why the farmers used their right to protest. On 19 November 2021, the union government decided to repeal the bills, and both houses of Parliament passed the Farm Laws Repeal Bill, 2021 on 29 November.