My Marriage

Anand Karaj
This infographic runs through all of the areas of an Anand Karaj. It describes what the 4 Lavan are and also the history and what constitutes an Anand Karaj. The right hand side also defines what to do and not to do for an Anand Karaj.

Anand Karaj
There are some issues with the way modern Sikh weddings happen. The mixture of culture with faith has caused some confusion in how a wedding day should be celebrated and attended. We try to highlight some of these issues here with a hope that the day of the Anand Karaj can be reverted back to how Guru Jee wanted it to take place. We know this is a sensitive topic in the community but are hopeful that we will start seeing more Anand Karaj days where we do not mix the culture into such a spiritual ceremony. This has started to happen more often in the UK now which is very positive.

Anand Karaj
This infographic runs through all of the areas of an Anand Karaj. It describes what the 4 Lavan are and also the history and what constitutes an Anand Karaj. The right hand side also defines what to do and not to do for an Anand Karaj.